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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hearing on tower changes revealing

Nelson County
“A proposed amendment to the Nelson County Zoning Ordinance pertaining to wireless communication towers was determined to be severely lacking at a recent Nelson County Board of Supervisors meeting. Last Thursday, the board held a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Nelson County Zoning Ordinance that deals with the repeal and replacement of sections of Article 20, regarding communication towers.

Tim Padalino, the Nelson County Planning & Zoning Director, highlighted some of the important changes for the supervisors, including adjustments to tower classifications; application procedures; required minimum setbacks from the Blue Ridge Parkway, Skyline Drive and other Virginia Scenic Byways; removal and reporting of facilities; and the application fee schedule. Under the proposed replacement section, the new category for personal wireless service, or Class C facilities, would be similar to what currently is the Class IV category for personal wireless service facilities, with a few significant changes. Several speakers at the public hearing said there were problems with the proposed replacement sections.”
~Writes Katherine Lacaze of the Nelson County Times

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