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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Grayson passes zoning revisions

Grayson County:
“The Grayson County Board of Supervisors put its zoning ordinance concerns to rest last Thursday evening when they unanimously approved the Grayson Planning Commission’s revisions to the document. The commission, tasked by the supervisors with making the 75-page document more ‘user-friendly’ in February, met eight times in the last three months to dissect the ordinance and compose a ‘complete rewrite of the document from start to finish,’ according to Zoning Administrator Elaine Holeton.

Grayson County supervisors have approved the Planning Commission’s changes to the zoning ordinance, just a couple of months after directing the commission to end zoning in the county. Holeton said the revision focused on six areas of concern: improving the readability of the document, the addition of allowable uses in all zone districts, the analysis and adjustment of street setback and yard setback requirements for structures, general requirements for all zone districts, the exemption of agricultural buildings for zoning permit and an adjustment to the administration section to clarify the zoning process.

Holeton pointed out that the board would also be reviewing Grayson County’s subdivision ordinance. ‘This was included with your review because there was one section on planned unit developments which was moved by the zoning ordinance to the subdivision ordinance,’ explained Holeton.”
~Writes Patrick Smith of the Galax Gazette

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