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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Albemarle panel makes tweaks to steep-slopes ordinance

Albemarle County
“Thanks to a simplified review process, it soon may be easier and cheaper for some residents in growth areas of Albemarle County to develop on steep slopes. At the same time, other, more-sensitive slopes will get additional protections.

‘There are probably individuals who are re-grading their yards, putting in sheds and terracing their lawns without appropriate building permits because it is a hassle to get,’ said Bill Fritz, the county’s chief of special projects. ‘Hopefully, by making the ordinance easier to comply with, people will comply with it.’

Earlier this week, the Planning Commission recommended approval of ordinance changes reclassifying critical slopes in the growth areas as either managed or preserved. In addition to simplifying the permit process, the ordinance will cut costs to both the county and residents.”
~Writes Effie Nicholaou of Charlottesville Tomorrow

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