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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Planning commission eyes changes to duplex zoning

Nelson County:
“The Nelson County Planning Commission is considering proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance that would allow a higher density of duplexes in agricultural zones. At its meeting Feb. 26, commissioners discussed proposed amendments that would alter the density requirement for specific duplexes, or two-family detached dwellings, in agricultural zones so they could be constructed on 2-acre parcels of land, as opposed to the current requirement of 4-acre parcels.

George Krieger, director of the Nelson County Community Development Foundation, proposed the amendments. Duplexes with four or fewer bedrooms and two or fewer baths are an “important tool in providing affordable housing” for low- to moderate-income residents in the agricultural zones of the county, Krieger told the commission.”
~Writes Katherine Lacaze of Nelson County Times

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