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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Adult store rules may get tougher than first proposed

Pittsylvania County
“Pittsylvania County is considering an ordinance that would impose even tougher restrictions on adult establishments than originally proposed. County residents can speak out on the possible ordinance during a public hearing to be held during the Pittsylvania County Planning Commission meeting at 7 p.m. on Feb. 4 in Chatham.

The proposed rule would dictate that an adult store or similar business must operate in the light industrial district with a special-use permit and cannot locate within 2,500 feet (about a half-mile) of a school, church or day care center or within three miles of another adult establishment.
A previously-proposed ordinance would have required 1,000 feet from a school or church and two miles from another adult store. It was recommended for approval by the planning commission in December, but the board of supervisors referred it back to the commission on Dec. 17.”
~Writes John R. Crane of the Go Dan River

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